Monday, January 19, 2009

hey happy Mlk day

hey guys, Happy MLK day!! i don't have any new games to review but do have some gaming news, FINAL FANTASY ISN'T COMING OUT ON 2009!! I was so angry when i first heard cause iv been waiting a year already. It is coming out in 2010 in the united states and summer of 09 in Japan.

I would also like to get your opinion on World of Warcraft, I was playing on my friends account and I wanted to start playing again. it is very addictive and i tend to neglect my social life whe I play. Should I start up again or just stay away from it? Give advice in comments.

Also here is a funny clip of Jumping Jack fail

Friday, January 16, 2009

movie reviews

Hello everyone, this will be a weekly post about the movies i have watched that week. They will not necessarly be new but if they were really good or just bad I will give you a heads up. Being in boarding school and a complete slacker i have a lot of free time to watch movies. The three movies i was this week were: The curious case of Benjamin Button, Gran Torino, and the wrestler.

The curious case of Benjamin Button was a great movie and worth watching, but the only downside is that it is pretty long. Even of you are a hardcore action person you will probably still like this movie.

Gran turino was the Best movie out of the three Clint East is still a complete Bad Ass even though he looks like he is 90. The movie is worth watching in the theaters regardless of what genre you do or dont like, and this is my new favorite movie.

The Wrestler was a bit of a let down, but was still a good movie. Mickey Rorick's performance was a bit overhyped and it was a pretty dull movie. I was expecting something completely different and was caught off guard with the amount of drama in the movie.

You should definatly watch all three of these movies, but if you only had to pick one it should be Gran Torino. If you have seen any other movies this week like slumdog millionare or notorius, etc. please leave a comment. Also please leave your comments about the movies above.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

top 10 video games

Hello everyone, i want to give general info about the things i like so you can kind of get a picture of who i am. I will do a few top tens throughout the course of the week and on friday i will talk about the top 5 movies that you see in the bottom of the screen. The first top ten that I would like to give is my top ten games. I am a huge gamer even though i have to cut back a bit for college prep =(.
10.Resident Evil Directors cut (Playstation)
9. Goldeneye (n64)
8. Fallout 3(xbox 360)
7. Final Fantasy 7 (playstation)
6. Grand Theft Auto 3 (playstation 2)
5. Metal Gear Solid (playstation)
4. Super Mario Brothers (snes)
3. Gears of war 2 (xbox 360)
2. Halo 3
1. Final Fantasy X
Most games on this list have sentimental value to me i can remember playing all of these games as a child and now. Resident evil is up there because i remember how scared i was the first time i played it, i had nightmares after playing for 3 hours straight (i was 8 years old). goldeneye is another game from my childhood that i cherish dearly because i remember beatting all of my older cousins, and then they beat me up for beating the =(. fallout 3 is a great and EXPANSIVE GAME!!! you can play for hours without doing a storyline mission and was one of the best game of the year regadless of no multiplayer. final fantasy 7 was the first RPG i ever played and the tactical element of the game made me replay the game again and again. GTA 3 was the first time i ever played anything like that, it was truly a unique game at the time and remembered spending hours playing. metal Gear Solid i played and beat with my dad and that is why i love that game. Super Mario Brothers is the first game I ever played, and i remember playing it when i was 3 years old and played with my mom!!!!! Gears 2 F!&#^# Rocks so hard, multiplayer is great, story is great everything is amazing, best game of the year. Halo 3 is amazing and perfected FPS genre and the best online play. My Favorite game is Final Fantasy X because it the first game that I Broke night with it was the game that transfered from casual TO HARDCORE gamer and into a final fantasy Fanboy. beat the game 3 times!!!!!!!!! Thats it, if you havent played any of these games you really should they are all classics and if you have a game that you think should be on the list leave a comment. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My First Blog

Hello everyone, this is a blog about general things that are just plain Awesome!!!! i will focus on music, games and little gems and nuggets on the web. i am writing this blog because i want to share all of the amazing clips, news, games, music, movies that i find. i will periodically update the blog and would update it at least twice a week. If you have any ideas, any questions, or any comments feel free to leave them and hopefully you will enjoy the content on the blog as much as i do!!!!!!!!!!!!!